Obesity Medicine
Pinnacle Healthcare System
Cardiology & Internal Medicine & Nephrology located in Hollywood, FL & Pembroke Pines, FL
Nearly 75% of adults in the United States carry excess body weight (almost 43% are obese), putting them at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, and other chronic conditions. The skilled specialists at Pinnacle Healthcare System in Hollywood and Pembroke Pines, Florida, offer obesity medicine to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diseases. Schedule an evaluation by calling the office or booking one online today.
What is obesity medicine?
Obesity medicine at Pinnacle Healthcare System uses medical expertise, customized nutrition plans, and medications (such as semaglutide or tirzepatide) to help people in the obese category move toward a more desirable body weight and keep excess weight off long-term.
This can dramatically lessen your risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions or help you better manage a disease.
What are the benefits of obesity medicine?
The benefits associated with choosing obesity medicine at Pinnacle Healthcare System include:
- More energy
- Easier weight loss
- Reduced appetite
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduced cholesterol
- Lower risk of chronic diseases
- Improved disease management
- Enhanced mental health (less depression, anxiety, etc.)
- Self-confidence
- Longer life expectancy
- Improved overall quality of life
Obesity medicine can help you quickly and easily eliminate excess weight without feeling hungry or deprived.
Who is a candidate for obesity medicine?
Obesity medicine is designed for individuals who are obese, helping them achieve body weight goals using diet, exercise, other healthy lifestyle changes, and medications.
To determine which type of treatment is best for you, the Pinnacle Healthcare System team weighs you, determines your body mass index (BMI), checks your blood pressure and other vital signs, and completes a physical exam.
You might need lab testing, heart-function testing, imaging procedures, or other diagnostic tests to screen for heart problems and other obesity-related medical concerns.
What can I expect from obesity medicine?
Your obesity medicine treatment plan may consist of the following:
- Custom diet and exercise programs
- Dietary supplements
- Stress management
- Nutrition and lifestyle education
- Medications
- Chronic disease management
Weight loss medications are often injections you can administer yourself at home to lessen appetite and food cravings. It’s also helpful to get plenty of sleep, reduce stress, avoid smoking and alcohol, and undergo counseling if necessary.
Your Pinnacle Healthcare System team helps you manage any diseases as you begin moving toward your ideal weight. You might lose 1-5 pounds per week. Follow up with your provider throughout your journey to ensure success and address any questions you have along the way.
Schedule an obesity medicine evaluation at Pinnacle Healthcare System by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.
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